Rolf Popp

Rolf is a German business engineer, putting together deals in the SME sector especially in German spoken countries and internationally.
Rolf has over 20 years of experience in business sales and acquisitions, where he focuses on strategic M&A deals in the engineering and technology sectors. Acting for the owners of SME’s, he has a long track record of negotiating with global companies and arranging management buy-in/buy-out deals (MBI/MBO).
He is a recognised trainer for “marketing and selling” at the Chamber of Commerce in Würzburg / Schweinfurt, Germany and an honorary member of their audit committee.
He is a permanent member for determining the CFS-Finanzplatzindex Frankfurt am Main and is named “innovations-management-expert” at the Fraunhofer Institut.
Rolf heads up ProConsult GmBH, a business brokerage in Würzburg, near Frankfurt am Main in Germany, with which Hornblower has a strategic partner agreement.