The Business Broker’s Blog

A resource to help you sell your business successfully

In our Blog, we aim to bring you a variety of articles to help you further down the road to selling your business successfully, from
our view on the general economy and its current impact on business mergers and acquisition activity, to our spotlight on the issues
faced by SME businesses and the help available. We also highlight our “Business of the Month” and give advice
on how to prepare your business for optimum sale.

We hope this is a useful resource for you and would appreciate your feedback. As always, please do contact us if you have any questions

Sat 17th March 2018

Is 2018 a good year for selling your business?

In the first quarter of 2018 we have completed 5 deals and secured offers on another 3 mandates. There is currently strong demand for the majority of our sales mandates, and we see conditions being very much a seller’s market. There are many buyers and too few acquisition opportunities. The number of business owners deciding...